Karter Hochstein Karter Hochstein

Eldritch Knightliness, 1.1

Why should I be resting when I could be impressing the god infused in my eldritch right arm?

I sat up, dirty blonde hair clinging to my sweaty face. I must’ve fallen asleep while I was reviewing my old school notes. Combat, healing, and homesteading were the magiks I loved most as a familiar witch, and it’s what I’m going to school for. Yet, I still had to show a basic knowledge of alchemy, summoning, animal domestication, and whatever else I wished to forget from school. I was to be a Godbear, a leader of students who showed talent, money, or luck. I was given an incredibly small team, compelling me to be a more impressive person.

I remember the letter, although I had tossed it out with breakfast three days ago. I’d lead two students: an Alicia Vvonder, a summoner and bard from Magnolia, with roots in mages and aristocracy, and a Darson Swan, who specialized in alchemy and shapeshifting. He was my concern, given that he comes from Goldek, the rival of my country. My concerns are likely based upon falsities and anxiety, and I should worry not for-

My right hand involuntarily slaps myself in the face. I look the the blue limb, clear enough to see bones. It’s a crystal.

The doctors said it was an infection. They wouldn’t believe that it was sentient. I eventually had a name for it that stuck well: Zircon. A god doomed to imprisonment a hundred years ago. None would listen, but the crystal spires I could summon did impress many professors and college scouts.

So, here I am. A day away from arriving at the School of Advanced Magiks, where I’d encounter Shade. After all these years, she hasn’t changed her challenge: drink whatever she hands you. It’s always alcohol and odd potions. The leader gets the first potion, usually something mocking their desires or features. I’ve never been publicly humiliated, and I imagine myself as an easy figure to mock.

I breathe dread and walk out to get some sunlight on me. The boat shook with the excitement of passengers. I can even hear one grown woman screeching with joy, something about a “Snot Otter”. Probably a family member of hers, as Shui is known for odd names. I shrug it off and walk to the end of the ship, dangling my arms over the edge. The sun beams down on the river between the countries of Teagre and Coffel, reflecting onto the crystal arm and my dark blonde hair. My eyes close, and I could almost imagine living on my own in the middle of the woods, perhaps by this very river.

“Snot otter!” the woman screeches again. I slump down and sigh, wanting only a relaxing few moments. Ah well, guess I’ll do this later. I press my palms against the railing, and shove my body straight up as a slimy figure plops its way up my left leg.

I fearfully glance down and lock eyes with some sort of lizard. Years of behavior classes prepared me for this moment.

Gracefully, I lean down to scoop up the creature. Its wrinkles curl around my fingers, with the wet creature serenading me with purrs. It escapes my grasp to climb to my shoulder. I feel it lick my ear. Gross.

I turn to face anyone behind me, and I discover an audience too shocked to speak, except for one.

The tall, skinny fellow uses his scaled wings to push his way to the front, showing off his Dragon Rock heritage. Many glowing blue horns shimmer on his face, with him having no visible nose. Dark blue scales resembling hair streak back, and his cyan eyes and skin strike me with fear. He extends a hand— first the one of three glowing claws— then his more human left hand.

“That’s an eastern hellbender. Rarer than an oar fish. Do tell: are you the reason it sits on this ship?” His voice burns like a blue fire that would hurt me more than his sharpened teeth and forked tongue.

“No,” I raise my right, crystallized hand to pet it, “but he’s quite friendly towards people. Is he yours?”

“I would wish, but I have a partner from Bronzel. They’re the only lizard I need.”

I nod, and look back to the creature. Its soft, stupid eyes bring me much glee.

“And, I’m sorry to ask, but what is your arm’s condition? I’m reminded of a tale by it.”

“I do not know. I believe I’ll check around the ship for the hellbender’s owner, if you do not mind, Mister…?” I extend my arm in a questioning manner.

“Dagohnn the Claw. If I’m correct, you would be the Archmage of Coffel, Mordred Coffee. It’s a pleasure to be with civilization again, young sir. But, I would recommend getting fitted for a long, slender glove.” He points to my arm. “It’s more of a shock than a dragon in these parts.”

“Yes, I understand. I’ve already gotten one, I had just forgotten it indoors. Thank you for the warning, I shall go to put it on right now.”

I walk off from the well-meaning but rude man, entering my room and gently closing the door behind me. Looking into my mirror, I sigh and strip out of my three-days-worn coffee gown, taking a stroll into the shower. The hellbender scrambles at my feet and follows me in, probably wanting the heat and water and wishing against the cleanliness. I allow it.

If it was someone else’s pet, it would not have gained the heart-shaped mark upon its back so soon. Clearly, a god has blessed me with a familiar to empower me on my journey, and I refuse to waste its love. I send a thanks to Zircon as I scrub my arm impulsively.

{Please email me if there are any issues. This looks good when one is tired of writing at 1:20 AM, but I cannot trust my sleep-deprived judgments.}

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Karter Hochstein Karter Hochstein

Epitaph of a God in Slumber

The god of rage, cruel seas, and creativities felt his inky heart pierced by a single clumsy mortal. Vincent, in a moment of vulnerability, used the eight tentacles sprouting from his back to climb up Almond Mountain to Shade’s garden, where Shade and Tartu rested. He consulted with his godly parents, begging to be rid of the man. Shade, in turn, gave a chalice, whilst Tartu gave a rosebud and a geode. He didn’t consider the consequences of asking the gods of desire and love for a way to end his only possibility for either.

Vincent, not even questioning what the items were, gave the man a drink from the chalice and showed the two items. The Goblet of Godliness took well to the mortal, permanently affixing Inigo Rockbreaker to Vincent’s immortal life. As Inigo admired the two items, he wanted desperately for the two items to open and reveal their beauty. The newly-appointed god of magik and family held the fist-sized rock, tossing it up and catching it. Until, of course, he didn’t.

The rock shattered in half, and a tiny creature made of crystal emerged. A creature.

It had taken several hours for the muscular creature to go from rock to flesh, and as it turns out, the geode creature was a child. The baby resembled Vincent in curly auburn hair, angry eyes, and large eyebrows, whilst it resembled Inigo in catlike features and odd eyes.

After days of anger, confusion, and eventual acceptance, it was decided that the child would be named for its crystal heart and its once mortal family name: Zircon Rockbreaker. In only a few years, he claimed his godly territory: crystals, heroism, and adventure.

Devoted to mortals and the dangers they faced, the child god would charge into battles with bears, wolves, and godly beasts. At six, he was knighted by Coffel royalty, and by seven he killed three hundred beasts.

As he aged, his face remained a pillar of youth and bravery. He still looked much like Vincent, but with redder, curlier hair, more freckles, and the mismatched blue and green eyes that defined every portrait of the knight. Zircon was Vincent, but Vincent understood immortality. Zircon had Inigo’s mortal heart, and lacked an understanding of life and death.

Instead, he ached for other mortal hearts. In a sudden rush of youthful desire, he wore the crystal knight’s armor he would later see his end in. Attempting to begin anew against the guidance of all who knew him, he set off to live a humble life, one of the public servant he described himself of.

First, there was Elise, who took her life upon thinking of living an immortal one. Brie was bitten and digested by a dragon. Grant got taken for granted by thieves and murderers, while Rebecca made wonderful ribs for cannibals. A storekeep in Dragon Rock with a strange magik shop finally won the prize, offering mead to a weary traveller she’d never met.

Beasts lurked nearby, and she said she’d have a gift for his return. Days turned to months as the beasts fled to other countries, and after insane bloodshed, he returned to find her grave, “Pandora set ablaze.”

Sir Zircon Rockbreaker was hellbent to go back home, with rage consuming his immortal soul. At every corner, he’s cried for love, yet skeletal figures won’t comfort evermore. Death took away anything he could’ve protected otherwise. So, like any young, dumb adventurer, he decided to skip the army and fight the general. He let his horse carry him home as he created a crystal path over the ocean for it and drank what was left of his mead. Apocalypse would be travelling the world in a few days for her week of worship. She’ll be in Coffel in two days.

A good way to end death would be to kill the god who brings it.

Thus, came the day where all was silent. Death is not a party. She walked gracefully down usually bustling streets, silver hair and teal robe flowing together. Her icy eyes searched for any movement and any reason to make an example out of someone. The city of Carmel was dead, yet full of beating hearts stressing over the events occurring.

Stalking from the rooftops, he positioned a crystal arrow just right. It would go through her back, pierce her heart, and leave through the left breast. He wasn’t waiting for courage, he was waiting until she was in front of the windows to the artists’ workshop. He acted for humanity, and it was in humanity’s best interest to preserve a moment in paint and writing.

He took the shot as he finished a drink. Too busy in his mug, he failed to witness her slight rise off the ground as she decided against walking in favor of floating. The three inches told a new story.

The arrow pierced her, shocking her as she collapsed. Only parts of gods and godly beasts can pierce a god, and her robe was built to repulse bone and teeth. As her cold eyes looked to the arrow, she got her answer. Her husband’s grandchild that was completely unrelated to her.

Zircon jumped from the roof and walked towards her, forming a new zircon dagger. She stayed crouched down, letting the blood pour from under her breast. She grasped the arrow and, as Zircon swung to strike, she threw her arm back and dug the crystal arrow into his right side.

Apocalypse stood and turned her neck to glare at him as he drunkenly fell back.

“I’ll give you ten seconds to run, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”

He jumped up, sobered by the realization of missing the shot. He looked to her, thinking deeply. At seven seconds, his look turned to a glare, and the last three were spent summoning nine blades to shoot into her. He gave his second round, and as the bell in his mind rung, she shoved a bone shank into his right lung. He coughed up dark blue blood as she grabbed one of his blades and shoved it into his other lung.

He clapped, calling his horse to grab him and place him upon horseback. The steed ran fast, even with it barely getting a break in the past days. As the 19-year-old god coughed up blood and knew death was following closely, his mind wandered to from place to place.

Vincent’s houseboat, a luxury steamboat where his room was simply a floor made of bed, was comforting and always warm, shaking with gentle waves as he slept. The Castle of Coffel was giant and always full of servants, royals, and a single Archmage with intense stress. The floors were marble and the lights were all blue. Then, that cozy shop in Dragon Rock, Pandora’s Box…

The horse bucked him off. He landed on his chest, adding dirt to the wounds and moving the swords about. One pushed further in whilst the other shot out of his body. He got up, somehow, and saw the arrow in his horse’s head. A village’s church bells tolled, and Zircon ran towards it without thinking. All he could spot was the well. Without hesitation, she shot him in the ankle.

“I gave you a chance.”

Zircon glanced around, hoping for a way out of this.

“What, pulling a cowardly move now?” She smiled sickeningly and pulled a bone sword from her cloak. Her voice was as sickeningly sweet as death.

In a bone-cracking jump backwards, he caught himself on the stone well and leaned backwards. Closing his eyes, the world went black for five seconds, ending in blue light and the sounds of several snaps with one splash.

A hundred years unresolved brought a crystal ruin left to rest in the middle of a temperate forest. Workers hired by the castle organizer had created a new path to drive travellers away from the continually spreading infection.

Yet, the foolish god awakens, a forgotten arrowhead pricking a mage and spreading the infection through blood dyed blue by pristine zircon. Glowing blue horns reflect through the country of his dead lover as a man begins to plot to end death yet again.

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Karter Hochstein Karter Hochstein

Mel Dearton: Intro to Gods

Mel Dearton is a world of gods walking among men and “magic” being spelled with a k.

The Main 4

Tartu: God of Love, Life, and Beginning. Husband of Apocalypse. Tends to be represented by a chicken or a baby. A short and thick man with messy brown hair and delightful eyes, he favors a blue turtleneck and jeans. His presence can warm a room, while his smile can unleash a wave of positivity. His favorite country is Bronzel. His children tend to have their hair part on the right side.

Apocalypse: God of Death, Hatred, and the End. Tartu’s more powerful wife. Represented by crows, ravens, and bones. A tall woman with silky silver hair to her ankles and icy eyes who enjoys blue patterned robes that hide her flesh. Her presence can paralyze a room, and her smile likely means it’s someone’s funeral. Her favorite countries are Goldek and New Avalonia. Her children all have negative ways of thinking.

Egos: God of Ugliness, Blood, and Fate. Shade’s more powerful husband. Represented by bats and blindfolds. A lanky, weak man with bleached skin and visible blood vessels. Wears shorts and a ragged leather skirt. Once a beautiful man with charcoal skin until Apocalypse boiled him in bleach. He hides among people and changes their fates according to how he’s treated. His favorite countries are M’Shok and Mageanne.

Shade: God of Beauty, Night, and Desire. Wife of Egos. Represented by raccoons and booze. A beautiful, curvy woman with short, black hair, dark skin, and violet eyes. Wears purple and pink gowns and other fancy garments. Although she has power over beauty, she describes Egos as the most beautiful of anything. Spends her nights sending people on drunken adventures. Her favorite country is Shui. Her children and grandchildren make up for intelligence in creativity and power.

Second Generation Gods

Vincent Octo: God of Creativity, Rage, and the Sea. The “Muse God”. Son of Tartu and Shade. Represented by ink. Owns a company known for producing the best inks. He looks much like Tartu, but is much taller and more muscular. Wears a blue turtleneck and a brown vest, along with fancy jeans and brown ankle boots. Has eight tentacles sprouting from his lower back, one slightly deformed. He lives on a boat and enjoys his husband. His children are very creative. His favorite country is Coffel.

Inigo Octo-Rockbreaker: God of Magik and Family. Vincent’s husband. Represented by ink and black cats. He ran away from home, shapeshifting into a cat, and hiding with Vincent. When he shifted back, he was left with cat features and a debt to Vincent. He’s the only god to have been once a mortal, and the only mortal to wed a god. He has dark skin, black hair, green cat eyes, along with cat features: a tail, ears, and whiskers. He enjoys wearing mage robes and Vincent’s clothes. His children have unique magik abilities. He enjoys Coffel and Mageanne.

Tinker Gearheart: God of Electricity, Technology, and Change. Abandoned son of Apocalypse and Tartu. He’s a skinny, pathetic-looking man with light blue hair. Wears fancy clothes, usually matching vests and pants together and shirts and shoes together. Clothes are always stained with oil. His age changes with the growth rate of the most important technology at the time. He’s an angry, lonely child/teen/adult with multiple addictions and a deathwish. He loves Cogsteam.

Third Generation Gods

Sir Zircon Ium Rockbreaker: God of Crystals, Heroes, and Adventure. Son of Vincent and Inigo. Represented by gems, one-handed weapons, and Knights. Involves himself with every major adventure, and is devoted to mead and helping. He dresses in blue turtlenecks and jeans or whatever armor looks cool. Joke President of the “Impractical Armor” Club, Actual President of the Knighthood. Heterochromatic in blue and green, coated in freckles with giant angry brows. Has cat features: puffy gray tail, cat ears, and whiskers mixed in with his eyebrows. Messy auburn hair. Known to be loud and proud. Loyal to Coffel for life, but Dragon Rock is pretty.

Red Valiant: Goddess of War, Metal, and Motherhood. Daughter of Vincent and Inigo. Represented by metal ingots, two-handed weapons, and military uniforms. She involves herself in all wars civil and international, playing the judge. She dresses in military uniforms and mom jeans. Has taken over a few countries for the purpose of making opposing sides make peace or die. Coated in freckles. Yellow eyes, long red hair, pointed red brows, and a strong chin. Loves tea and beef jerky. Favors Teagre and Bronzel. Despises Mageanne.


Zinc Tekonomic: ???

Mercury: ???

Gods of Unity: ???


Leviathan: An ancient sleeps.

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