“The Cosmonaut”- Core Concept

Humanity has been hunted and toyed with by Liches for centuries, leading to a breakdown of the species. Barely human survivors and new, highly specialized people are all that’s left.

Marshall M. Curie was put into a cryogenic sleep in preparation for a voyage to Mars. Instead, he woke up in a gas station freezer, somewhere in his hometown, with nothing but a machete and a sticky note.

(Alternate history- expect some references to actual events and some to Lovecraftian nuclear monster warfare bullshit.)


  • Mutants: directly human, but genetically modified

    • Early Vampire Syndrome: illness that came about some time in the 1400s. Acts like the bubonic plague, ultimately killing the victim. However, the victim remains moving, and the brain matter continues to function.

    • Servitor Syndrome: illness caused by exposure to Deep One fluids. Leads to rarely survivable octopus-like/amphibious growths, with survivors being known as Servitors.

  • Cyborgs: once-human, now-machine people.

    • Argo: American company, well-known car and gun manufacturer. Began making prosthetics after the Civil War, allowing for full preservation of the body by the 1930s. Heavier, but long-lasting.

    • Curios: a secondary company under Argo, made to focus on the cybernetic/prosthetic market with more variety. Manufactured weaponized, specialized, and budget prosthetics.

    • DKK (Daikoku): Japanese company, jumped into the market after the ??? War. Highly customizable, would come with booklets of how to properly repaint and install add-ons.

    • Steelung: French company, founded around the same time as DKK. The lightest of the prosthetics, with more of a focus towards replicating organs than making limbs.

  • Androids: robots made to act like and resemble humans. Cybernetic companies devoured this market.

    • Terminal: based around a dying individual, with compressed and simplified memories to control behavior. Very rare. Steelung, Curios.

    • Custom: customized to serve a purpose. Usually made for dangerous work conditions and older, childless couples. Curios, DKK.

    • Prebuilt: made on a factory line, with limited face models, hair/eye colors, and body types. Curios, Argo, DKK.

    • Comfort: prebuilts made with a different audience in mind. Curios, DKK, Steelung.


Human variants made to survive on fewer nutrients and less varied diets. However, the people overall have less muscle, fat, and bone density compared to the sturdy yet foolhardy human.

  • Snow Elves: pale, thick-skinned nomadic hunters. Meat and berry diet. Tallest; highest muscle density among the elves. “Crackhead Snowmen”.

  • Forest Elves: tan/dark, hairy farmers and scavengers. Vegetarian, but not vegan. Like dwarves, but skinny and with a hatred for caves. Able to store fat very well. “Functional Alcoholics”.

  • Frost Elves: uncommon cross between a Snow and Forest Elf; the most human-like of the elves, tend to get pushed into guard and mercenary jobs due to their mass.


  • The Deep Ones: Inner Earth almighty fuckers. Extreme variety. Spread Servitor Syndrome via bodily fluids, mostly done on accident. The surface of earth is a canvas of mediocrity to paint a great symphony of bloodshed upon.

  • Animals: Gene modification began to spring up in 1950s America, due to the belief that any animal can be saved from extinction via domestication. That being said, once humans died out and the family pet tiger was left alone, things got interesting.

  • Zombies: Humans suffering from LVS (Late Vampire Syndrome), a variant of EVS that turns one into a feral cannibal. Intense growth occurs in the jaw, arms, and legs, leading to the creatures barely resembling humans.